Monday, 5 May 2014

016 Reims

France: Region Champagne, Town - Reims

So we pick up our brand new car (5km on the clock) and we are off for the 'independent' part of the trip.

In every little place we visit there is the town hall - Hotel de Ville. Some are more impressive than others, this is Fismes. We are travelling on May 1st, which is a major public holiday. There are flowers, mainly Lilly-of-the-valley, for sale everywhere. It is difficult to find somewhere serving food but we locate a brasserie selling toasties, the hosts are Delores (a platinum blond) & Patrick (an old rocker)

We arrive in Reims and find a car park right besides this wall that was built in 300AD. Because it is a public holiday, there is no traffic and we enjoy driving around.

Reims is a bit bigger than Fismes, so their Hotel de Ville reflects their size.

 and so the Champagne experience begins - we turn into the village where we are to stay, Rilly-le-Montagne and are greeted with .... Tattinger.

The vines are very low, to reduce the impact of frost. Our host says this is very hard on the back.

 I pay the due respect at the 'holy grail' - Allee Dom Perignon :)

Yes - more stained glass, I warned you I could bore you with it!
A great number of battles were fought in this region. Each village has their Hotel de Ville, a patisserie and a war memorial.
The patisseries are magnificent. The vanilla slices are easily, by far, the best we have EVER eaten. Not sure now if this little tyre I have around my middle is from beer or cake!


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