Tuesday, 14 October 2014

074 And that was Europe

And that was Europe
we've just passed the 6 months mark
we got into a great routine and could pack and be on our way in under 1 hour
we've worked out how to go off the beaten track and more importantly how to then get back on it
we've had endless challenges from our GPS including tyring to send us down a railway track, a spelling mistake in a street name that just happened to be the street where we were staying, endless roundabouts were she (Claudette) got the number of the exit wrong and some absolutely stupid 'short cuts' she sent us down.

we've learned so much more about ourselves and have been amazed at how empowering being anonymous is; you can be more daring when there are no consequences and little responsibility.

I reckon we've slept in over 66 beds.

At the end of the trip I'll do a blog with the final statistics but here is the evidence of the kilometres we did in Europe (excluding Ireland)

So in this car we did 16,669km

Happy Frank handing over a very clean car and learning that he would not be charged the E80 cleaning fee :)

And that was Europe - what an adventure; travelling is not a holiday

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