We take a ferry from Royan to Le Verdon-sur-mar. We stop for lunch in a small village called Paulliac. We wander into a cheese and wine shop, which is unattended, and at the back of the shop, unprotected, are bottles of old Mouton Rothschild selling for over $1000. We call at the winery on a Saturday but it is closed, so we've saved some money :)
We are having some down time in a very small village called Vignonet, in the middle of nowhere! Well actually it is well situated for day trips into the Bordeaux region. Our host Roland is quite a card. Keeps talking to us in very fast French. We keep saying we don't understand but that doesn't stop him. He laughs a lot, so do we, but we have no idea at what!
They have a high tide here that causes a bore in the river Dordogne. There are many and varied forms of transport for riding the wave.
We cycle, yes we. While there is no evidence of me cycling, I actually cycled 4km to dinner one evening AND BACK !.
In Bordeaux we finally succumb to "Le Petite Train". It is very hot. There is a sign in Bordeaux that says "Bordeaux is not a destination it is a lifestyle." I have to agree. Not much for the tourist but it appears like an amazing place to live. Parks, Art, Architecture, wide walkways, open pavement restaurants. I love the 'feel' of the place.
The grape growing in this area is heavily regulated. Here they are cropping the top. There are over 10 sub-regions within the Bordeaux region. E.g. Medoc which Frank preferred as there was a higher CabSav content. Each sub-region specialises in a type of wine E.g. Merlot in St. Emilion.
Frank finds a South African to talk wine with. They spend ages. Frank learns a lot about the region but doesn't manage to land a free sample. He has a wonderful, happy time.
Our neighbour in the village is a keen gardener. Frank asks him if he can take his photo with the crop and he is absolutely adamant "No Photo". If you look closely you'll see a coin about the size of 20c. Later on the guy came round with two tomatoes and 5 potatoes for us. Frank has some interesting 'chats' with him where they both laugh a lot as they struggle to understand each other.
So Frank discovered this permanent speed detector. The speed limit is 30kph. On his bike he breaks the speed limit. As we are walking home he runs towards the detector (in his thongs) - I get the speed but where is Frank??? spooky. Frank is writing to the Guinness Book of records claiming a world record for over 55's running on a road in thongs (flip flops for the Poms) at 18kph.
Each evening we walk along the Dordogne. This has been a brilliant week, even though we didn't do much. We are well rested. All our clothes are clean. We are much better informed in French wines and we've eaten more bread and cakes than I care to mention :)